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10 Minute Teacher Podcast with Cool Cat Teacher

Produced by Vicki Davis, Cool Cat Teacher, LLC

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The main podcast site with full show notes can be seen at

Dec 29, 2017

How do kids learn and remember? Teacher Andrew Stadel, @mr_stadel founder of the popular site, talks about this pursuit of learning in the classroom. This topic is his summer research topic. As you ponder the classroom, look at what you’ll research to become a better teacher.

Dec 28, 2017

Today Connie Hamilton @conniehamilton gives us five ways to connect with our students over the break. This is the number two episode of 2017. Listen to it now and plan ahead for by picking one or more of these ideas.

Trim Three (or more!) Hours off Your Workweek Now - January 2

Dec 27, 2017

Linda Kardamis @LindaKardamis shares five mistakes teachers make the first week of school. Remember that January is a fantastic time to “reboot.” So, if you made one of these mistakes, work to start over and correct those mistakes. This is the number three episode of 2017.


Dec 26, 2017

Today Alice Keeler @alicekeeler shares the must-try new features of Google Classroom. She also teaches us how we can learn Google Classroom features and hacks over the summer (even without students.) A must listen for people using Chromebooks or Google Classroom.

Dec 25, 2017

Want to help students learn and be more refreshed? Students need breaks too. That is why brain breaks are becoming so popular. Teacher Rob Donatelli @DTown_MrD talks about the brain breaks phenomenon. Then, Rob gives teachers five ideas he uses in his classroom for brain breaks. Take a brain break today!