May 17, 2021
We teachers need to take care of ourselves. Sarah Parker Wolf, author of Daily Intentions for the Classroom Teacher, talks about some intentional things every teacher can do to improve their thought process and how they take care of themselves. Can you try just one thing from this show?
Show Sponsor: This summer, I’m...
May 14, 2021
As we return to in-person learning, we should not return to business as usual. David Bott gives us three things that, based upon current research, we should rethink in schools.
Show Sponsor: This summer, I’m taking my professional development with Advancement Courses. Recently, I shared the five-step process I used...
May 10, 2021
Assessment is part of what teachers have to do in school. Although it is required, we teachers can make sure we assess with respect. Today's guest, Starr Sackstein, author of Assessing with Respect: Everyday Practices That Meet Students' Social and Emotional Needs, shares an overview of what is needed so that every...
May 5, 2021
Joel Lookadoo, 2020 Arkansas Teacher of the Year, shares why he loves teaching, the stories he is seeing of teachers (and students) overcoming and encouragement for teachers now.
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