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10 Minute Teacher Podcast with Cool Cat Teacher

Produced by Vicki Davis, Cool Cat Teacher, LLC

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The main podcast site with full show notes can be seen at

Mar 31, 2020

How I teach students to be effective learners in an online classroom. This episode is an audio version of my presentation to students about how to be effective learners in an online classroom. Check out the full video here:

Mar 12, 2020

Some teachers (and students) don't have a choice. Because they have no internet connection, school closures mean "paper packets." Three weeks of them. Today's teacher recorded this episode the day she spent at school making three weeks of paper packets and how she struggled to bring excellent teaching home to her...

Mar 11, 2020

As schools are working to blend teaching or go completely online, what about science? Isn't science supposed to be totally hands-on? In today's session, we interview an instructional technology coach and the executive producer of Science Around Cincy, a web series that features the scientists and engineers in the...

Mar 10, 2020

As we struggle with the coronavirus COVID-19 health crisis, many of us educators are figuring out how to prepare to teach online. Blended learning (having a face to face and an online classroom) is best. We have one more reason-- when you already have an online space for your classroom, it is a smaller step to teaching...

Mar 9, 2020

Dr. Mark French is a principal who is redefining the role. Not only is his book he co-authored "Principals in Action: Redefining the Role" but he lives it every day on the playground, in the lunchroom, and everywhere around his campus. Today he talks about how he starts strong on Mondays inspiring and encouraging...