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10 Minute Teacher Podcast with Cool Cat Teacher

Produced by Vicki Davis, Cool Cat Teacher, LLC

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The main podcast site with full show notes can be seen at

Oct 29, 2020

Today, I'm giving you another peek into my classroom, this time, to share tips for getting the most out of your Google Classroom. In this episode, you'll hear 15 better practices when using Google Classroom, from habits to technical tools.

The full transcript is available on the show's blog post at:

Oct 26, 2020

We've updated the popular show from the spring with current research in October 2020 with Dr. Eric Rossen, the Director of professional development and standards for the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) which has created a recent COVID19 Resource Center. In today's show, Dr. Rossen helps...

Oct 24, 2020

In this episode, I give you a peek into my classroom. I take a topic that isn't super simple -- databases -- and show how I teach it with 2 simple projects, some game based learning, concrete examples, and how my students all master the topic in five days.

While you might not be interested in Big Data or Databases,...

Oct 21, 2020

Rachelle Dene Poth shares 9 of her favorite EdTech ideas that you can easily use now, no matter what your classroom environment requirements are. Teachers are looking for easy and helpful resources, and right now with so much going on searching for the best solutions can be overwhelming, and Rachelle is a great resource...

Oct 14, 2020

Erica Boomsma is in South Dakota where they have been teaching in face to face school for the last four weeks. She talks about the fears she had in going back, the protocols they are using and the positive experiences they are having amidst the masks and shields. Face to face school may be a better alternative than many...