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10 Minute Teacher Podcast with Cool Cat Teacher

Produced by Vicki Davis, Cool Cat Teacher, LLC

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The main podcast site with full show notes can be seen at

Sep 30, 2021

Thomas Arnett from the Christensen Institute Shares What the Insitute has learned from administrators and teachers about best practices for teaching during the pandemic.

Sponsor: Screencastify. This year, I introduced the free screencasting tool, Screencastify, the first week of...

Sep 28, 2021

These are challenging times, but what if you're trying to find some normalcy amidst the challenges? Today's guest, Michelle Blanchet, co-author of the Startup Teacher Playbook talks about a method she teaches teachers to help determine the specific issues of concern so that improvements can be made and the teacher...

Sep 23, 2021

Tiffany Wycoff, the co-author of the bestselling book, Blended Learning in Action, talks about the state of blended learning today. She shares how some teachers are battling blended learning burnout but that it is necessary for learning today and how we move forward.


Sep 22, 2021

Dr. Marc Brackett, founding director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and lead developer of RULER, a systemic, evidence-based approach to social and emotional learning reflects on where students are now and how to reach them. This Social Emotional Learning (SEL) focused episode is relevant for Fall 2021 as...

Sep 21, 2021

Financial literacy is a must-teach topic for students, a topic Kailen Stover has been teaching for years. In this show, she shares what every student needs to know and how to teach them. Money matters. Let's talk about how. 

Sponsor: Everfi sponsored this episode. If you...